What speaker cables can complete with Audience 24e or 24e SE for less $$

Looking to replace my Harmonic Technology Pro 11 + speaker cables whose girth and size are too awkward for my current living space.

Therefore, I have considered Audience 24e or the 24e SE speaker cable, but even  the used prices for 6 ft pair with banana plugs is over  $1100 on Used Cables.com and more on AG 

Therefore, I need some recommendations for less bulky speaker cable that offer the same quality of sound of the Audience cable, or close to it for less money. Obviously, I will only buy used to expand my dollar range

Speakers are Golden Ear Technology model 7's:

Pre-amp:  CJ PV-14L SE; 

Amp: BAT VK 200 ( 100RMS) 

Thank you,  SJ


+1Jayctoy that is the exact description that I would use when I owned the au24 speaker cables...

If you have good equipment and good synergy then this should not be a matter of critical concern. Any decent 16 gauge braided copper wire should do for a short 6 feet.

Frankly, there is no technology in speaker wire relative to all the technology in speakers. Spending as much as you have done or plan to do on a minor tweak like speaker wire is not effective especially when said wire is approaching the cost of your speakers / in such a case, a modest speaker wire coupled with a speaker upgrade would bring a lot more benefit.

apologies if this does not answer your question - just felt compelled to warn you of diminishing returns. As significantly higher cost bits of wire are still fundamentally bits of wire. A better speaker with higher cost drivers and good design and construction presents a huge opportunity for improvement.

Try the audio sensibility impact se  they bested the signal cable two  and xlo reference 2, but haven't heard the audience  although they have been compared to sonically equal to the xlo signature 3

yes, Nordost, Audioquest, Transparent, M.I.T. Synergistic Research and Audience, all suggest the loom or complete cabling systems concept
for maximum performance.