Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?

All my records have been cleaned at least once, but after play, I'll drop it in my Klaudio ultrasonic cleaner for a quick re-clean. I figure if my stylus is digging / loosening anything in the grooves, it's a good opportunity to get that junk out of there. How about you?
99% of the time i clean them and stylus ever time .. when i used to use the last products i did a serious clean then not everytime .. I dont use last lately no real reason though 
In addition to the above, I am with oleschool, I clean my stylus prior to play of each side of an LP.
Always use onzo zerodust, and some times a strip of magic erasure with the onzo zerodust
RCM initially, then brush record before i play and ME the stylus before i play. On rare occasion will reclean via rcm if i hear many pops or clicks, 
I clean mine once on the VPI 16.5 then only a second time if they seem to still have issues when I play them. Otherwise I use a Furetech de-stat and a Carbon brush from acoustic sounds each time I play. I also clean the stylus frequently but not every side. I use the Lyra stylus cleaner but am re-using a Last Bottle and brush for convenience.
Never clean new records, all used ones go thru VPI16.5 once, if still bad then second spin on VPI with thorough scrubbing (yes I know that scrubbing does not do s#%*t but it makes me feel better about myself!) decides if LP stays or goes. Mapleshade grounded brush and Zerostat before each and every play. Still dreaming of ultrasonic cleaning machine but not going to buy it. 90+% of my listening is thru Naim CDS3 for CDs and Wadia 781 for SACDs, I am old and clinically lazy! Vinyl sounds sooo much better to my ears than digital that I am afraid to upgrade my TT or vinyl: it will spoil 90% of my listening sessions further still...