Your single favorite component

Of all the pieces of your system you now own or have owned in the past, is there any one piece you could say is your absolute favorite piece of equipment? 

I don't know if I have an answer to my own question - I enjoy various pieces of equipment for different reasons. A turntable I've owned for 18 years, a 40 year old tuner, an amp I built myself, all in some way are pretty special to me. And so on! 
My Accuphase E-600. I'm still shocked I own it and even more so when I'm listening to it.
Koetsu stone body cartridge. I've had 4 now, and the best one is definitely my new Coralstone. But all of them do much of the same thing -- i.e. everything I want from a cartridge.

It's the only component that sounds really good even on its bad days. Sounds spectacular on good days, and most days are good days.

Honorable mentions:
Tannoy Canterbury SE speakers, Stax SR-009 headphones, Head-amp Blue Hawaii SE headphone amp.
My Acoustic Zen Crescendo speakers. They are not fussy and have a full bodied sound that is so inviting. At both low and high volumes they just sound right to me.