Durand record weight ha ha ha ha - and other crazy thing

I heard that a Durand record weight costs 3500 USD. - that is just bonkers - we are truly entering the twilight zone of hi-fi - sorry.
can anyone else think of similarly stupid products
When you run out of things to buy, I have a volume/balance harmonic rubber band looking balancer that goes between the posts for these knobs. With proper installation, also available, these harmonic springs can make your $2000 wood knobs add a new dimension to your bragging rights. Only $4000, including a one owner, rebuildable Supex 900 Mark IV. The cantilever is slightly bent, but it works well on my uni-pivot arm, when properly tweaked to one side. Hell, I'll even throw in the arm (Formula 4 JH clone of Mayware). For the price of a plane ticket, dog sitter, and hotel, I will come install it. 

Nice to hear from you, my former compatriote. I assume that

you don't own any dog (grin).

You should use it on a $200 turntable to get the best improvement.

The more expensive the turntable [ with the assumption that the sound is in line with the price ] is that the likely improvement diminishes according to the Law of Diminishing Returns as you get closer to perfection
One wonders if the Durand weight could be used with a top loader CD player like the Sony......hmmmmmm
Since some folks here are extreme dog lovers, and find no problem justifying a $150,000 dog collar, how about a roll of toilet paper for $1,376,900? Surely that is a necessity for all!!


God forbid an audio enthusiast spend $3500 on a record clamp though.
Not that I would, but I don't have a problem with someone buying a $3500 record clamp. Not in a world where  $1.4 million dollar toilet paper and $62 million dollar cars (gold Lamborghini Aventador) exist.

We live in a time when the rich have never been richer. Stupid rich.