Tidal on Oppo 105

I've been using an EVS modded OPPO BDP105 for the past two years as my system DAC.   Mainly playing saved wav and flac files on a solid state hard drive I have connected to it as well as playing music from Tidal which I stream through the Oppo.    Using the Oppo App on my I pad the whole arrangement works really well.   I am able to switch back and forth between my saved music and Tidal with ease.

I have the upgrade bug again, however, and am starting to look for a new DAC.    My question is would it be worth it to spend some serious money on a dedicated Digital Player(Bryston BDP or on of the Aurender products) or just use that money on the DAC itself -- Outputing from my OPPO to the DAC.  Would love to stay under $5k if possible.

Any thoughts are much appreciated. 
I should have rephrased that. :)  I forgot, not all DAC's do USB as well. They mostly do, and mostly sound much better via USB 2.0 but there's the occasional misfire. :)


I have both the 105 and the Mytek Manhatten.  Since adding the Mytek the Oppo has mainly become a transport.  The Mytek Brooklyn is cheaper and does MQA, if you care.  Tidal is supposed to be adding MQA files.

Two questions.  How did you hook up the Mytek to the Oppo?

And.... are you playing DSD over that connection?