Are audiophiles still out of their minds?

I've been in this hobby for 30 years and owned many gears throughout the years, but never that many cables.  I know cables can make a difference in sound quality of your system, but never dramatic like changing speakers, amplifiers, or even more importantly room treatment. Yes, I've evaluated many vaunted cables at dealers and at home over the years, but never heard dramatic effect that I would plunk $5000 for a cable. The most I've ever spent was $2700 for pair of speaker cables, and I kinda regret it to this day.  So when I see cable manufacturers charging 5 figures for their latest and "greatest" speaker cables, PC, and ICs, I have to ask myself who buys this stuff. Why would you buy a $10k+ cable, when there are so many great speakers, amplifiers, DACs for that kind of money, or room treatment that would have greater effect on your systems sound?  May be I'm getting ornery with age, like the water boy says in Adam Sandler's movie.
Geoffkit, the auditioned cables were supposed to be fully broken in at more than 600 hours of play.  I mean arguing about break in is almost meaningless because some will argue you will need more than 1000 hrs or some will say not more than 24 hrs. 
Almarg, points well taken.  But not sure how much logic or reason is involved in purchasing mega expensive cables.
I totally understand both sides of the cable argument. For years I was very judicious with regard to how much I spent on cables and power cords. As the quality of my system improved the more noticeable the changes in cabling became.

One year at the RMAF I went to a workshop on cables. The point of the workshop was based on the benefits and synergies of having "consistent" cabling throughout one’s system. The demonstration was eye opening. From that point on, I made it a goal to work towards that end game. The next step was to find a cable/ cord manufacturer that I liked, trusted, and most importantly felt was a reasonable "value". I’m sure that the big name cable manufacturers make solid products but I wasn’t convinced there wasn’t too much mark up for marketing and dealer profit built in to the cost of their products.

Through research, a little luck, and maybe a little divine intervention I was fortunate enough to meet Frank Dickens. Frank owns Silent Source Cables. After many, many hours of discussions and research I began the process of switching my cables over to Silent Source. My system is now completely Silent Source along with a couple Silent Source PC’s as well. All I can say is the results are absolutely incredible. I have absolutely zero regrets for "investing" the money in his products. And, I have made a trusted friend who is the best resource I’ve ever had for audio advice. The likelihood of me changing my gear around his cables is far greater than me changing his cables out around my gear. I feel like his cables give me the ability to fairly evaluate literally any change I make to my system.

So, in my opinion, there is good stuff and bad stuff out there. Good values and not so good values. I don’t disagree with the premise that there is some snake oil being peddled out there. But, I don’t think it’s fair to paint the whole segment with the same brush.

A few years back at Capital Audiofest, the DIY guys had one of the best sounding systems in the whole show using a slightly tweaked but modest cost amp, DIY speakers assembled from a few hundred dollars worth of parts, run of the mill wires, and some ingenuity in the setup.

That’s just my opinion but I saw a lot of others in there listening as well stunned at what could be done for such modest cost compared to most all the rest there. I wonder if they’ll let those guys back in again this year?

If I owned a Lamborghini or other exotic sports car, I wouldn't be putting floor mats in it from Pep Boys. If I felt mats were needed, they would be appropriate and I expect the cost to be as exotic as the car.

The same goes for cables, IMO. If my system costs $ 250K, then I would budget an appropriate amount - say 15-25% of the system cost for cables. If the seller of these cables has to claim the cables will enhance the sound AND my love life AND lead to world peace, then so be it. It will be up to me to do the due diligence to ensure such expensive cables were transparent. Would a set of $500 interconnects work just as fine? Probably, but if I'm spending that much money what's another $50K?

So ridiculously expensive cables is in the eye of the beholder. Besides, cable marketers have mortgages and kids in college and retirement plans just like anybody else. I can't fault them for asking and getting their price. (Heck, I admire them for it.)

What's most important to me is that the cables all be the same color. It may not sound good, but it better look good, damnit. ;)