1 pair of good interconnects- which 2 components should I use them on?

Hi all,
I just picked up a set of 3' BlueJean LC-1 interconnects, which are much nicer than the others I currently have. Im wondering if they would be most valuable used between the phono preamp (Cambridge Azur 551p)---->tube Preamp (Cary AE-3) or should they be used to go from the Cary preamp---->McIntosh 2125 amp?

maybe this is a stupid question, but 2 fundamental things I know are that interconnects matter in the acoustic output, and also the signal output from a Cambridge phono stage vs Cary tube preamp are not the same. So with those things in mind I figured placing the interconnects in one spot vs. the other would matter based on the different output signals of each device.

I could listen to both configurations for a while and eventually gauge if I hear any difference (which probably won't be the case), but I wanted to see if there is a "right answer" first :) 

thanks for any feedback!
Al has to be the most reasonably mannered & comprehensive contributers!

+ 1...Al’s the best.  I'm so glad we have him.

IMHO and in my many, many travels though the high-end world, I have found the preamp to amp link to be the most critical, but I do understand the source side of things too.

As Al so adeptly said " there is no right answer that can be predicted with any kind of certainty".
Lol, ditch the cables that I just invested in with the little $$ I have for equipment?if I were to ditch anything it would be the record weight made from a pendulum, circular saw bit, and housing of a keg tap :)

Thanks everyone for the feedback. If you have suggestions for the next pair I upgrade to I welcome them, but I don't intend on spending more than $60 tops
You don’t need to spend a lot for quality ICs. Try Signal Cables "Analog Two" interconnects for $55/pr. They will be a real upgrade to your system.
Money back guarantee.
If you're handy with a soldering iron, build your own. If you have never used one - learn. Buy the best ends you can afford, find some decent hook up wire and braid away. Basically, build your own Kimber PBJ. It's easy.