Tesla Plex SE by Synergistic Research.

Hi Dear Fellows.
I have a  Transparent  Ultra power bank filter pluged to a modest Furutech FPX wall receptacle to feed my system.I have a very relaxing efect , with deepness in soundstage, accurate timber, airy sound and a dark background.Anyway , said that,I feel my system needs a little punch  in the upper frequencies, I think is a very quiet listening and lacks a bit of energy to my taste.I red that the tesla Plex SE receptacle due to its 2 million volts treatment, have a more detailed sound, airy, and very dinamic, with better bass extension.So I kept that in my mind and decided to buy one of these receptacles.I haven´t received it yet.So what can I expect from this wall receptacle?Is it true what the description tells about its performance?Any experiences will be highly appreciated!!I will tell mines once I'll test it.Thanks in advance!Cheers!Raf

My system is  configurated as follows:
Cal delta transport
Audio alchemy Dti pro
EAD Dsp 9000 pro
Jadis Orchestra amplifier
Proac Response One SC
Van den hul The First interconnects
PAD  Praestro  biwire 20th anniversary speaker cables

Hi Michaelzay, I might know where to buy a new condition furutech gtx-rhodium outlet for $150.00 plus shipping and pay pal fee,  the yen to dollar has changed,  if you look at vh-audio website,  you will see the furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's at  $245.00 a piece,  they were  $235.00. Email me if interested. 
Hi everybody!

Unfortunately I haven´t had the opportunity  to test the Teslaplex Se receptacle yet, but I will write my experience once I´ll test it.
Mr Pritchard and everyone.....
I have tested the Sinergistic Research Red fuse( 4Amp slow) in the jadis Orchestra,,,Mama Mia!!!Woww !!It´s completely another story!!More openess, extended frequencies, airy sound,big improvement in soundstage as well. Then after a month of breaking it, I decided to take out the 22 or more screws of the base of  the Jadis amp and changed the 2 fuses 5x20mm 500ma  and put Sinergistic Research Red( these fuses are the ones that goes on the EL34 tubes)....
As expected another improvement!!

I began to notice the entrance of voices and instruments at a correct time, it was as if the 2 fuses inside the amp eliminates the delays in time, and music appers¨ more alive¨as if you were sitted in front of the players.
Another thing is more silences become evident, the music seems to be played a little slowlier, which gives a sense of pleasant and natural hearing, and Soundstage!!! Yes!!. the position of players becomes more clear an focused, some instruments behind the wall, a singer in front of the speakers, and right and left as usual,
So my concluison is:
Sinergistic Research Red fuses really worthwile the investment.They can lift up your equipment to another level.

By the way....I don´t have experiences with the Black fuses.Has anybody compared these two models?May be David or anybody else have something to tell us?

Best regards!
Keep in touch!


Congratulations on trying the Red fuse in the Jadis. You described exactly what I have heard with a RED fuse in this amp. And then wow! You went to the next level and pried open that amp and replaced the internal fuses. Great work. The Jadis is not easy to get into.

I have not tried the Black fuse with the Jadis-yet. I am using Black fuses on my two low powered SET amps and my Headphone amp. 

So right now the Jadis and the Triode of Japan 845 amp are not being played.

Each of these amps brings a slightly different palate of sounds to the systems. The one fact that has been an absolute constant is these Synergistic RED and BLACK fuses make a significant improvement in the sound.

I hope everyone gets to hear some great music this weekend.

David Pritchard