What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?

Years ago, Magnapan presented an amazing 5.1 classical music presentation with Audio Research. Beautiful music, awesome sound, no gimmicks. Now every show they play the Wizard of Oz game with something behind a curtain.

I don't get it....just play music and let the consumer decide!
Magnepan is one of those companies that make a product that people either Iuv or hate.
I have the MMGs and about half the people who have listened to them in my home have been astonished at the clarity of the sound. For some who don't think they have enough bass I would ask how many have heard a pair with the mid bass panel(s)? Also with a fast servo sub, like the Rythmik subs Maggies can really sound even better. Yes some subs can integrate with them!
But there are so many speakers out there, one is bound to find a model that suits them. I also have a pair of Vandersteen which give me many hours of enjoyment.
I'm one of those guys who pay more attention to the sound of the speaker than the measurements. I like to listen to music, I don't really like to do math problems.
Many people, esp. non-audiophiles, are so used to the artificial 5-10dB "hump" around 100-200 Hz built into many speakers, radio broadcasts and also TV broadcasts that the honest humpless bass of the Maggies sounds thin by comparison. I totally grant that Maggie bass below 40 Hz is MIA, but I'm talking about excessive bass in the upper bass region that creates the illusion that the bass response is better than it really is. 

Even after extensive auditioning and eventually coming home with a pair of 1.7s, I was unprepared at how "quiet" Maggies are--that a lot of what I was previously hearing on playback was enclosure resonances, which the Maggies don't have. 

I do have a pair of small high-powered subs to fill in the 35-45Hz range. It adds oomph and dynamics to the presentation, while not adding a hump to that upper bass range.
I went to two Magnepan exhibits last year in Newport. The first one was the best presentation I heard at the show. The host was surprisingly rude, pushy and had a ridiculous if not pretentious manner about him when presenting music. When asked about the subs supporting the BIG bottom end I think he simply didn't answer. The other room sounded horrible. Seemed like they weren't prepared even after the second day.

Regarding actually asking Magnepan what they're doing, plans are etc etc ... I listened for an answer to a question just like this, and the answer was so obfuscatory that i exited the room bored and wanting music elsewhere.