What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?

Years ago, Magnapan presented an amazing 5.1 classical music presentation with Audio Research. Beautiful music, awesome sound, no gimmicks. Now every show they play the Wizard of Oz game with something behind a curtain.

I don't get it....just play music and let the consumer decide!

Showing 1 response by hazyj

I went to two Magnepan exhibits last year in Newport. The first one was the best presentation I heard at the show. The host was surprisingly rude, pushy and had a ridiculous if not pretentious manner about him when presenting music. When asked about the subs supporting the BIG bottom end I think he simply didn't answer. The other room sounded horrible. Seemed like they weren't prepared even after the second day.

Regarding actually asking Magnepan what they're doing, plans are etc etc ... I listened for an answer to a question just like this, and the answer was so obfuscatory that i exited the room bored and wanting music elsewhere.