Onzow Zero Dust - cleaning the cleaner

I've been using the Onzow Zero Dust stylus cleaner for a few weeks and the elastic "element," as they refer to it in the insert, got a bit dirty from the bottom of my Lyra Delos cartridge accidentally coming into contact with it. The insert states that you can "wash it in warm water with a little amount of neutral detergent" and "you can use this stylus tip remover repeatedly." I tried to rinse it with some Penta water but it didn't remove the dirt. Has anyone actually cleaned their Zero Dust with success? If so, how do you do it and dry it? Thanks!
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Have to agree with ebm.  His post is a real piece of junk. :)

Also agree with jsman.  A tiny bit of Dawn, rinse well with lukewarm water and air drying does the job very nicely.
I actually removed mine for the plastic holder to clean it with dish soap,  Once it dried, I replaced it back in the plastic box after it dried.  I have done this a coupe of times now.  Cleans up quite nice.  I disagree with anyone who feels this device is 'not' as good as other methods described.  This is no better, nor any worse.  Just safer in my opinion.  No brushing,  no scrubbing. No chemicals to wick up the cantilever.  Just a safe dip once or twice into the jell. Should actually last a life time.  I'm done trying other methods.  This works as intended.  What more could you ask of a product.
I use it and wash it with mild soap and water. I find it to be very effective. That and my Destat, Demag and Audiodeske System cleaner constitute my standard vinyl hygiene routine.
works great, cleans up easy.  I don’t know what else you would want.  It’s not like we are cleaning nuclear waste.