Cleveland, OH

Anyone in the NE Ohio area that are still stalwart 2 channelers?
How about those of you who got rid of their stereo gear to go HT
only to regret it. Are you out there? COMMENTS
Man, that is very sad. All the trouble of getting ready to host something like this and then to not show. Sorry that is poor form. Did they at least call to say they could not make it? There wasn't even a game today. Who all said that they were coming and did not show?
Well at least we know this up front.
There are a few guys from the youngstown area I know are serious. A couple from southern and Central Ohio.
I have been wanting to see Chads rig for the better part of six months and will be headed towards youngstown soon.

Tgun, I hope you are not gunshy about giving this another try. Not at your place I guess.

Anyone willing to host the next "party"?

Let me apologize for the whole group.

I have one last effort to get this going. Is there anyone that would be interested in going to the Detroit AK Fest, April 22-23?

Or is this club dead?

What are the details of the AK fest? What is it when is it who will be there?

Keep hope alove Andy. Even 2 people can be a club!
Cle. Heights
It might be advisable to start small.Get two-three people together,then over-lap.This is a rather personal "sport" and really shouldn't be done by committee.I have gotten together with LVK47,Hford653,Aroc and Indikah.Very different systems,but all pleasurable.But the most important aspect of all this has been an exchange of music.
Thank you all for the additions to my music selection,and of course the input and feedback from the members above on my DIY spealer system-much appreciated.
Feel free to contact me,though I prefer a smaller scale.
The link for the fest is

I went last year on Sunday and two manufacturers closed thier rooms at 1PM. Blue Note was one of them. I thought it was unethical since we paid $15 to get in. It is advisable to go on Saturday if possible

It is a nice place to pick up recordings and hear some vintage equipment.