Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better

Luckily I don't see it as much on here compared to other audio websites. I just find it so annoying I stop looking at the thread. There are just to many variables in audio to debate what is better than what. I guess it's just an ego thing that I don't want to take part in.


My dog's better than your dog.

My car's faster than your car.

My girl's prettier than your girl.

It was bound to happen.

All the best,


I think the new format is going to compound that problem.No longer will comments be moderator approved before posting which means if tempers flare it will spill over into the forums.As a retiree I'm on a strict budget which means my gear is all high value low cost(re:chinese made) .I've heard the big name big $ gear & in no way can I justify spending that kind of $ when the low cost stuff sounds as good as it does.
"Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better"?

inferiority complex
Taters, You started some of those pissing matches and caused some fur to fly. Now you started this thread all innocent like.
IMO: You’re enjoying sitting back and watching the pissing matches. Entertainment maybe? I’ll admit it can be fun at times. Yup, I'm calling you out brother! ;^)