Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube

And what were the reason you did a backflip back to S/S or tube.
As there are a few pro Class D threads being hammered at the moment, I thought I'd put this up, to get some perspective.

Cheers George
Funny you mentioned that.  I was just at a comparison today between one of my previous favourite amps the Arion HS500 monoblock digital amps with Duelund Cast capacitors that I own.  Its valve input with digital output.  I personally prefer my upgraded Prima Luna Dialogue - but its a close call - at comparisons with others it was about 50-50 which was preferred.

Well today I was at a comparison of the Arions with the similarly priced new BHK 250w amp I just purchased.  Its valve input - mosfet output.  It was a joke - here is what others said:

'We did a back to back comparison with the new BHK amp and the old Aurion 500 D class that Mike was using about 3 years ago. Well it was night and day.I was kind of hoping it was just all hype, then I could crawl back into my hole and forget all about it!! A lot of the guys were commenting on the lack of balance in the Aurion amp, but listening to the BHK was like a live performance and the Aurion was more like listening to the radio with a blanket over it. If I was looking for an amp in this price range, then I would definitely audition this one!'

'The only amp the BHK was compared to was the Arion mono blocks, and as others have mentioned there was no competition. The Arions sounded boring in comparison, in this setup.'

'Yep the Arions had the same work done, (added by me - referring to that the Arions have Dulund Cast capacitors) I thought they were still nice, but the switch back was instantly amazing and by then the late comers were in and virtually all turned or twitched in wow factor'

My comments - the Arions were dull by comparison - they lacked life and verve.  The BHK was simply sweet liquid life.

I hate to say it guys but at the moment digital has a LONG way to go.



Firstly, let’s get a major misconception out of the way: class d amps are not digital, they are analogue.  And not all class d amps have square wave performance as shown above, though listening to square waves doesn't seem too common...Hard to place any real value in the opinions of those who do not even understand the basics of the technology or misrepresent the performance of high quality, state of the art class d.

Secondly, amps are part of a system. They don’t perform or sound the same in all systems. Some may be great in one system and not so great in another. This is true not only for class d but for class a, a/b, etc. Sweeping generalizations based on limited experience or use are worthless.

Thirdly, the objective performance of many class d amps is better than nearly anything any tube amp is capable of, and in the case of Hypex ncore, better than nearly any ss amp one can buy. Subjective performance can not be argued as it is a matter of individual taste. There are many many people who have dumped their ss or tube amps in favor of class d. Claiming the technology is "not there yet" is a bit behind the times and ignores the fact that not only is it "there", but it is replacing class a and a/b ss and tubes amps in large numbers.

Enjoy whatever works for you. No need to put down what others enjoy.
+1 Kuribo

At the risk of sounding like a broken record - switching amplifiers are simply another major amplifier class to choose from. 

Consider the list of major amplifier designers who currently offer a switching amplifier along with their traditional designs. As well as the list of powered speaker designers that use switching amplifiers. 

Thank you Kuribo, could not have said it better myself!

To be honest gents, most amps leave me cold, regardless of underlying topology... Be it triod, push pull, OTL, SS class A, SS class A/B, analog class D, or digital. On occasion, there are a few amps in almost each class that I love for what they do for music. Some of these happen to be class D.

Eventually, I am pretty sure I will even hear an OTL that does not make my head shake in perplexity. Who knows, may be such ATMA amp already exists today, even though OTL is not on an accellerated evolutionary path per se... I am an optimist, and I know I have heard but a small minority of OTL amps in existence... I have not even had the opportunity of hearing every ATMA amp: until the target set is known to be filled with "NO" on each member, I am hopeful that a "YES" exists somewhere in the extant set.

As for square waves.... Love that clarinet sound, but I do not waste my time confusing paper and an individual graphs with music from a thousand different amps... I much prefer listening to music through my own ears one amp at a time... After all my ears have served my passion quite well since 1957 -- the time I was first mesmerized by music coming from LPs through my Dad's Grundig.


Have to agree with "georgelofi" - the "ClassDAudio" (brand) SDS-470C is superb and rivals any "hi-end" amp... after burn in and left on and warmed up.  

Though, I do vacillate a bit between my JC-1's, Atma-Sphere M60's, and the SDS-470C.  Depending on the speakers I'm using... I think I find... that one, or another may sound a "wee bit better" than the others.  

But... think... I may end up settling on the SDS-470C... since... they all sound so similar... and the SDS-470C... is small, low-temperature, and hassle-free.  Not to mention - that at it's price it is a "huge bargain!"

The thing is... there is not a big difference in the sound of any of them - so, I really couldn't recommend any one over the others - except in the context I note above.  And... I tend to think that's likely true of several of the class d amps and hi-end amps - that there are only very subtle differences in the sound of any of them that one person or another will find make one better than another.  But, in reality such subtle differences are not really so significant as to definitively determine that to be true -  "Beauty is (only) in the mind of the beholder."