Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Hello Audio Club, I hope all are having a fine summer. I'm hear to tell you that I have a number of TAS editions, they go all the way back to the beginning. I don't want to dump them, and I'm looking for a home in our sphere of phile's that would like to have them. Contact me via Phillykid on audiogon if interested. Otherwise, hope to see you at the next gathering.....Bill
Hi Guys,

This is Tom Albrecht in beautiful Loveland.I have been thinking of hosting an Audiophile Gathering around the middle of September, but I wanted to see if there is any interest before I start putting it together. Don't need any firm commitments, just let me know you you have any interest.

