Be honest please

Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?
Another vote for NO.
There is nothing wrong w/ finding a good bargain at SA or GW. Flea markets offer more options as well.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
"Be honest please"... Ok, the truth is that several people on this site have looked down their noses at people who " rummage" up a bargain!
Why I do not know as several here have said....What,to me, is more likely to be offensive are the ones that know it all when it comes to all things audio, justify the purchases they have made by scoffing at others who found the system lacking and spending countless hours on these forums NOT for the educating or education they get for free but to rather bash everyone and anyone who does not think like they do!
"I can't stand when those vintage guys boast how great the receivers were from the 70's. I owned some of those receivers as a kid and I can tell you they don't hold a candle to what they are making nowadays."

Maybe they buy vintage gear because they prefer it. Also, I don't think you would take issue with someone for "boasting" about equipment you like. After all, your opinion is fact.