Whats wrong

Turntable seems like it playing slow for the first 10-15 minutes of play, after that all is fine. Turntable has about 600 hours on it. Hoping its the belts would appreciate any thoughts.
You should re-grease the flywheel and the platter bearing. Use white Lithium grease, just a small dap on top of each after you have cleaned them thoroughly. Do not use too much !

A new set of belts are on the way to you as discussed with Alan on Thursday last week.

Good Listening

Thank you Peter, + 1 Bill K, Peter has always provided excellent service myself included. Will post the results when belts arrive.
Your ARC, Pass and BAT components may need some time to warm up for best sound.
Yes Zd452 they do sound considerably better after 30 minutes of warm up, but turntable still needs additional time to perform at its best. I'll post results when I receive the belts and greased the flywheel and platter bearing. Appreciate your comments.