Snobbiest audio websites

Obviously there are a lot of audio websites out there. Which one's do you find the Snobbiest?
Snobbiest has to be...Audio Afficianado....
Run by a rich know-it-all dealer and his sycophant administrator...
If you dare to disagree with any of them...your in big trouble.
It's also understood that they read the personal messages of their members.
Enter at your own risk!
"09-03-15: W8aaz
Snobby I don't know but annoying is one that can get off into politics over wires!"

I just heard about the new Trump Wyres myself. Its based on the mag-lev technology that keeps his hair flop in place. No need for a dialectic. They even have an SEDT edition that comes in the same color as his hair. Not only that, if you buy any combo of IC, Speaker and PC's, you get special hairloom pricing.
Must say I'm surprised that that no one has mentioned anything involving "Robert Harley."

His year-end "recommended components" blogs/articles take pretension to another level.

For example, I once read a review where he recommended a $14K Power Cable. That he would give editorial coverage to such a product, let alone laud it, requires a certain level of pretension, potentially approaching insanity, but then again what do I know? I suppose if you can afford the $150K Statement turntable, then the $14K power cable wouldn't offend you.

Granted, if someone handed me $150K, I'd first pay off my student loans, and with the left over money I'd almost have enough for a bag of M&Ms...

(I believe it was Tara Labs the Zero; or The One; please feel free to clarify or correct me here)
Courant, You should take a courage on your own to try to recommend $14k power cord. Why sell wire for $14k when you can simply take money in the name of God:

I don't care if someone reviews a 14K power cable. It's fine by me. I won't be buying one so what the hell. I can also choose to read the review or not. I try not to let such trivial things bother me.