Snobbiest audio websites

Obviously there are a lot of audio websites out there. Which one's do you find the Snobbiest?

Showing 2 responses by zd542

"To answer the question... I would have to say Audio Asylum(not a member) due to the frequent mean spirited responses."

Audio Asylum is a good choice, but Hydrogen Audio has them all beat. Those people are so arrogant and stupid, you have to see it to believe it. They only allow you to post comments that agree with.
"09-03-15: W8aaz
Snobby I don't know but annoying is one that can get off into politics over wires!"

I just heard about the new Trump Wyres myself. Its based on the mag-lev technology that keeps his hair flop in place. No need for a dialectic. They even have an SEDT edition that comes in the same color as his hair. Not only that, if you buy any combo of IC, Speaker and PC's, you get special hairloom pricing.
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