Good amp for B&W 804S for the space-constrained

Good morning folks. I've recently purchased a pair of B&W 804S speakers and need to upgrade my electronics (Denon AV Receiver) to get the most of their sound. Unfortunately the shelves I can use are somewhat shallow. Thus, I'm looking for a solid amplification system that will fit in, let's say no more than 16" including space for the interconnects. Not an easy task, unfortunately. Some ideas I've had (and even demo'd to some extent):

Naim NAIT XS (or maybe even SuperNAIT)
Simaudio Moon i3.3
Rotel RB1552 + pre?

Anything else I should be looking at? Has anyone had experience with any of these in combination with B&W 804S?
I used the now discontinued Rotel RB-1072 (class-D, 100 watt@8ohms, 190 watts@4ohms) with a pair of 703s for awhile and it did a very good job IMO. I paid $500 for it as a dealer demo off e-bay. I feel it is one of the best audio deals I have gotten.

From what I understand the new models from Rotel use the same basic internals as my RB-1072.

Over a receiver running B&Ws you will get a lot more bass power and control. I found the mids to be more fleshed out too. But the big difference will be in the bass.

There are lots of good amps out there and a lot more with big price tags too... No need to break the bank at this point because even a "budget" amp (from a good brand) will blow away a low end Dennon.

Another good budget brand that gets great review for playing out of it price class is
"Wyred 4 Sound"
I would skip the Rotel pre... their amps are ok but I have found better preamps for the money.

As always use your own ears.
Thanks for the advice. Any recommendations on a good pre? I've heard Rogue Perseus and enjoyed it but obviously it's a big difference in price (about $1000 more than the Rotel 1550).
Wyred 4 Sound STi 500 is only 14.5 deep. I have a ST500 running my N802's right now and it is excellent, punching way beyond it's price point.