anyone have experience with tube cdps'

I am thinking of switching to a tube cdp because I find most solid state players to sound to digital, even expensive ones. I am trying to audition Raysonic 168, a Grant fidelity, and audio aéro from france, anyone with experience please advise.
FYI the SS players I listened to were Rega, NAD and Cambridge audio. I did not like any of them. Far too digial.
I tried a Jolida JD100 once (unmodified), long time ago, it sounded very natural...only criticism was it lacked a bit of detail. I simply assumed todays players would have improved on that. It was great on vocals. On the SS side I liked the Linn Majik cdp but it's 3k...ouch!!
You should also consider a Modwright tubed cdp, you can usually find them here used at a good price point.

I do think a tubed output sounds more "natural", to me anyway. YMMV as always.........

I also listen to a Jolida has 2 sets of outputs from the tube, and I coax digital with no tube out. I enjoy both outputs. Listening to Morphine (band) is like being there. It isnt highly resolving...but that is not why I purchased it. The sound is wonderful in the mids...bass is tight but with a little bloom. Its inexpensive also btw. Try one used...then sell if it is not to your liking. Good luck.

Oh, btw, I also have a Denon cdr/cdp studio recorder and player that I have my TT directly connected to via XLR. It is plenty resolving for my tastes without any harshness. Though, I only use it mostly for recording directly from LP.
I owned an EAR Acute. Although a bit pricey, I thought it sounded excellent.