Rogue Audio Tempest II Upgrade

Has anyone upgraded their Tempest 2 to the Magnum status and if so what were the benefits? I bought KT-90 tubes directly from Rogue a couple years ago as I see that is part of the upgrade package so that would save some money. I have done some tube rolling in the past but wondered if the Magnum or Super Magnum upgrade would have some really nice benefits. Thanks inn advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
There is no Super Magnum upgrade so that was a definite a mistake lol. Anyway, what are the obvious differences from any magnum upgrade from the base model. Do you think its worth it?
I've had a number of Rogue Audio products (Cronus integrated, Sixty six preamp and Stealth phono stage) upgraded to Magnum status and in each case felt my money was well spent.