Best new loudspeaker

I have heard many loudspeakers ,I own Magnapan , and
a Aerial 10-t . This new loudspeaker I heard at great lengths and many agree is from a new company called
NSR -Sonic Research the D-3 Sonata was absolutely killer
and they were saying the wiring and crossover are not even final as of the Jan show . parts quality is excellent in the Silver finish I saw,for a speaker under $5k to create such a soundstage presence with bass that had articulation and impact is beyond me how they do it ,I am told it is a
sealed focal lens .They will be selling by March ,I for sure will be saving my bucks, this is one loudspeaker to watch ,I am already selling my 10-ts.
the placement of microphones is different from the location of audience members. it is gnereally above the stage and sometimes over rows 1 to 5.

placing the microphones in that position gives an orchestra a sound which does not represnt where i prefer to sit.

since when is a seat in rows one to five, the best seat in the house. there is no best seat in the house, just as there is no best amp, preamp, speaker, cable, wife, car, book, movie, candidate running for office, etc. .
i wish they would remove the word "best" from the english language, as it engeneders arguments.

you are entitled to your opinions on a variety of subjects.
an opinion is probably true and probably false.

as to your implication tha an accurate stereo system is "better" than an inaccurate one, that too is your opinion.

your reference to a stereo system which changes the perspective of a recording as being wrong, is also an opinion. obviously you and i don't agree on alot of things.

i hope one day we can meet at a ces show and continue to discuss our differences. as i said before, it keep me mentally sharp to joust with you.

hopefully, they print this post, otherwise you will think i am avoiding you.
For all the Buzz I have been hearing on the NSR D-3 loudspeaker.While Out west I spoke with a few dealers and they thought the final samples sounded superb. I have a tenative appointment in March after speaking with the
guys at Hifidelityaudio the spec sheet he sent me looked
pretty impressive ,I will tell you my thoughts after the listen these are the final specs.
Though I have not had the opportunity to hear them the Audio Machina's Pure System interest me intensely. Anyone heard it yet?
Henryhk, they were right next to us at T.H.E. Show. He wanted to hear our amps and I had a backup set of M-60s available- The speaker is easy to drive (bass is handled by an internal amplifier) and every easy to listen to- spacious, detailed, wide bandwidth and very neutral.

MrT, you may not like the way that the record labels make their recordings but the fact is that they make their recordings the way they make their recordings. If you want the perspective to be the way you like it, you will have to go out and make a recording that way yourself. Whether best or not, any system that distorts the perspective of soundstage is in fact distorting the perspective of soundstage. An obvious distortion or inability like that is clearly not 'best', in fact it might be worst (the opposite of best), at least in the arena of soundstage depth.

Soundstage depth is one of many aspects heard by audiophiles. Audiophiles hear these things because they all have ears that use the same rules for sound location, intensity, bandwidth and so on. In fact these rules operate independently of taste.

I once met a guy who hated his teeth and wanted dentures. Loosing my teeth is one of my worst nightmares. Taste is the sort of thing that is so unaccountable that one person can hate their own teeth (even though they are healthy), or hate accurate reproduction of soundstage.

I submit to you that taste has nothing to do with 'best'. The best-sounding amplifier/speaker will be that thing due to the fact that it can reproduce an audio signal more closely according to the rules of human hearing than any other amplifier/speaker. You can still hate it though, for its attention to accuracy, detail, musical nature, relaxed and spacious presentation, bandwidth and impact: you can hate it for the very fact that it is the 'best'. You don't have to hate it consciously- and so to justify the taste issue it is also possible to say there is no 'best', but such would never be the case. It would be a simple denial of what is so.
i wish they would remove the word "best" from the english language, as it engeneders arguments.

Exactly...becuase to yourself you see everything as an argument....instead myself and others are trying to concentrate efforts on furthering knowledge and understanding in this hobby by trying to explain things, as best we can, and not without some errors and prejudices no doubt...but nevertheless in the interests of moving forward - we try our best.

The way I see it - you have a been offered a fine choice.

1) Chose to learn about the acoustical, electrical & physics science and psychoacoustic science of hearing in enough measure to to gain a moderate understanding of this hobby and the issues that you comment so passionately about {clearly like many of us you love this hobby, you have vast practical experience however I suggest that a deeper understanding could increase enjoyment enormously!)
2) Stick with your "mantra" ..."there is no best", "there is no best"..."nothing can be compared meaningfully or even discussed because to each his own"..."Om Mani Padme Hum!"

It is up to you now. I do not see this as a "joust" at all...there is NOTHING to be won....except perhaps on one hand, enlightenment for everyone concerned or, on the other hand, continued propagation of misleading concepts or just plain useless uninformative mantras or platitudes....statements with little or no explanation.

FWIW the answer to life the universe and everything has already been solved a while ago and the answer is 42.