Best new loudspeaker

I have heard many loudspeakers ,I own Magnapan , and
a Aerial 10-t . This new loudspeaker I heard at great lengths and many agree is from a new company called
NSR -Sonic Research the D-3 Sonata was absolutely killer
and they were saying the wiring and crossover are not even final as of the Jan show . parts quality is excellent in the Silver finish I saw,for a speaker under $5k to create such a soundstage presence with bass that had articulation and impact is beyond me how they do it ,I am told it is a
sealed focal lens .They will be selling by March ,I for sure will be saving my bucks, this is one loudspeaker to watch ,I am already selling my 10-ts.

Showing 6 responses by techmachine

you are correct the quads do have excellent timber my buddy has I believe the 989 ,but severely limited in dynamics from soft to loud and a limited sweet spot compared to the best of the cone loudspeakers
as well as soft at the upper and lower extremes,many people are willing to sacrifice these factors for the purity of the midrange,so do enjoy your loudspeakers,
the only true full range electrostat loudspeaker is the Big Soundlabs which are excellent .the big MBL radiastraler
is also superb speaking of a incredible loudspeaker
these 2 are the finest representatives of their specific
Hello I am new to these forums I guess I have been to busy
allways working ,as far as Audio I have over 30 years in the field and have seen it all come and go seeing the rantings on the Quad speaker ,and Nsr Sonic ,Maggis these are all excellent products in their own parameters and even a reference to the improvements made by using high calibur capacitors and parts which can be big ,there is no such thing as a perfect loudspeaker in absolute terms ,and unless u use the same electronics and cables to compare them, it is impossible to even do a one to one comparison.discussing what your particular speaker does well and it's price point is another story this has been my experience .
To Mrtennis here is a loudspeaker with 22nd century technology please do research this one and read the review
I heard this for 30 minutes and was more than just impressed this speaker was unequaled at this modest $25k
price point for what it offered even the Quad will have to acknowledge this,
and your thoughts and please do at some point give these
a listen .
For all the Buzz I have been hearing on the NSR D-3 loudspeaker.While Out west I spoke with a few dealers and they thought the final samples sounded superb. I have a tenative appointment in March after speaking with the
guys at Hifidelityaudio the spec sheet he sent me looked
pretty impressive ,I will tell you my thoughts after the listen these are the final specs.
Hello Mrtennis you said if you could find a transducer that would fit the bill you would at least pursue it, the fact there are such transducers out there ,can you afford them is the better part of the question for 2 speakers come to mind the Superb MBL
loudspeaker which are every bit as good in any parameter of your loudspeaker and the Big Soundlabs properly driven
these are reference loudspeakers in every parameter and by many well know educated reviewers, do check them out seriously than come back and give your observations
as to their worth thankyou.
I have heard a fair amount of the emerald loudspeaker
it is very good except it takes 2 amps and is a little finicky in it's choices this what a couple of people told me , I will be giving these a listen and the NsrD-3
in several weeks they say with the finalized Xover it is excellent ,we will see this is where the company sent me to .I am in Ct , the Emerald I think I will have to go to NJ
I am a tough nut so I will bring the works to throw at both of them.