Zu Druids low powered tube amp or high powered SS?

I just got a pair of Zu Druids, I am using a pair of Dared 300b SET tube amps, The sound is good but not great. Any recommendations for other amps?

I have a Proceed AMP2 150WPC
and a Carver 1.5T 1000 WPC high current amp
Did you have the factory break the speakers in before shipment? How many hours do YOU have on them? They need considerable break-in.


...and what are you hearing that you feel is lacking?

Give us details. I've heard them in quite a lot of systems, both budget type, and approaching all-out. Have never failed to impress me.

Something might be holding them back...
I would like to know how the Carver sounds if you ever hook it up, sometimes Carver works pretty good, other times not so much.
Druids, generally speaking, do not work well with solid state amps.

They are a 12 ohm load and much more tube friendly than let's say Definition which are 6 ohms and work well with both topologies. Personally, I wouldn't use either the Proceed or Carver on Druids but it might be worth a shot.

Lastly, not all 300B amps are created equal.

Disclaimer: Zu listening post.