Vandersteen 2ce sigs? Beginner needs guidance.

I'm brand new to the Audiogon community, and am so grateful to have found such a fantastic source for thoughtful opinions and information for audiophiles. I am trying to decide on speakers in the 1-2k range for a system I am putting together. This is intended to be my first acquisition in what will become a long-term hi-fi system that I will use for mainly music (85%)and movies on the weekend (15%). After extensive research, I am leaning toward Vandersteen 2ce sigs, as they are by nearly all accounts an excellent audiophile entry point speaker, particulary at the used pricing I'm seeing here on Audiogon. My setup will go into a dedicated 16'x 20' media room, which will probably be oriented along the long wall (i.e., I will have 16' to work with). I listen mainly to alternative and classic rock (e.g., beatles, pink floyd, radiohead) but also to more subdued genres including folk, accoustic, bluegrass, ambient and jazz. I am also looking for a strong solid-state two channel amp in the $600-1000 range that I can use to drive these speakers, and which can also become a long-term part of my setup. I'll run the amp through my current Marantz sr7300 until I can afford a better preamp. I was nearly decided on a Rotel 1080, but am willing to hear what everyone thinks about this. Finally, I listened yesterday to the Thiel 1.6s, which I expected to like. I instead came away feeling they sounded incedibly clean and airy, but overly clinical and somewhat dry. Further, they had nowhere near the soundstage, or imaging capability of the new LSA speaker from DK Design group, which I A/B'ed them against. The Theils were on a full Macintosh setup. So my questions are: Given my tastes and reaction to the Thiels, should I still be considering the Vandersteens? What other speakers should I be considering? And am I off-base in pairing the Rotel amp with my mains? Are there other well-priced two channel solid state amps I should be considering? Thanks very much. -Jonathan
I had my 2ce sigs powered by a Rotel 980bx and it was not a great match. The rotels I have used all added some grain to the upper mids which was annoying when listening to classical. I switched to an Aragon and the improvement was not subtle. If you like alternative and classic rock, make sure you get a preamp with tone controls, you will need them!
My first suggestion for a beginner is to check the archives. Not knowing your budget, makes recommendations difficult. I'm a big fan of McCormack gear with Vandy's!
The Vandy 2ce's sigs are such a great speaker that you may find that you never need to upgrade them, just the electronics in front of them as budget allows.
Welcome! Yes you came to the right place. I'm sure there's numerous years of audio experience in this forum.

The Vandersteen's are excellent speakers and a very good buy. You may want to hold of on buying speakers however. If at all possible go listen to as many speakers in your price range if at all possible. Two speakers at the same price point will usually sound different. One may be as good as the other but personal tastes will dictate what you want to take home. Buy USED. You will save alot of money. Speakers last for decades. I'm presently listening to my vintage system which has 35 year old speakers.

The Rotel RB991 or Parasound HCA 1500A would be excellent choices. Be sure to use a decent preamp and source.

Most importantly enjoy your music. A system with Vandy's or another high end speaker is very pleasureable.

The most important thing to consider after speakers is room acoustics. I strongly recommending going and reading about room treatment and correction devices. has an Acoustics circle and Audio Asylum also has one. This will affect the sound ALOT!

Here's a good thing to remember. The most important tweak which is also free is speaker position/listener position. This can make a large difference in the balance of the sound.

Best wishes to you!
You might want to look at an Aragon 2002, 4004, or 8008 -- all are very well-made, powerful amps that would rock w/2ce's. But you know what else would sound excellent would be an NAD amp, receiver, or integrated amp (or a pre and amp). I have never heard an NAD that didn't sound awesome. Give them a listen before you drop the change on Rotel, which will likely not sound any better and maybe worse.