Vintage Tannoy's,,what are your amps?

I am waiting for some Tannoy Monitor Gold 12's with Xovers worked over by Kara Chaffee of DeHavilland.

I may drive them with Berning EA-230's, a Fisher 400 tubed reciever or an Allen organ amp (6L6GC's) thru a Berning TF-10 preamp...

I was wondering what amps do other fellow vintage Tannoyists use?
I'm vertical biamping with a pair of Eastern Electric M520 integrated amps along with the MiniMax preamp into a pair of Tannoy Churchills.
Also have tried Golden Tube 300B Special Edition running the amps in monoblock configuration into a pair of Tannoy Silver 15's in GRF Professional Horn cabinets built from the Tannoy blueprints.
Had a pair of 12 inch Golds that I ran using the Eastern Electric MiniMax amp 8 watts 6BM8/ECL82. Great sound, these 12inchers hooked me line and sinker for the Tannoy sound.
Guess I'm just a dual concentric guy at heart as I've had Altec 604B, 604c's, Model 19's although not dual concentric.
I run my Tannoy 15' classic monitors with Allen Organ 90's (Gold) with KT90' in triode mode or Allen Organ silvers with EL 34's.
Hhh,,,These Allen organ amps are good ey? I love mine...stereo version with 30 watts/ch/