Audible Illusions M3B or L3

I plan on getting one of these two. I've read a lot about the M3B but very little about the L3. Has anyone compared how these two preamps are sonically? Any difference? If you were to get one of these, which one would you get, and why?

How is the 'Gold' phono board for LO MC's (I'm using a Lyra Kleos now, in to a Fosgate Sig. External phono preamp)?

In advance thanks for your input!
Stereo5, are the volume attenuators on the 3B similar to the 3A? Same amount of steps. Same level of attenuation as in can you get past 9 o'clock?
In my system, the volume control is usually around 11 o'clock which gives me levels in the 85-88db range. To really get it loud, I can go up to a little past 2 o'clock on the volume controls. On the 3B, they seem to have more of the in-between steps. All I know is my system really bloomed after replacing the M3A with the M3B. The M3A is now in my upstairs system which I am listening to as I post this.
The 3B is a fantastic preamp. Much quieter and dynamic than the 3A I traded in to Audible Illusions. If you don't care about remote control and don't mind twisting two volume knobs, it is an easy to love product.

Unfortunately, I waited more than four months for mine when I was told I could expect it in two to three weeks. During the ever-lengthening waiting period, I got impatient and went solid state with much more flexibility (like remote and adjustable input impedance for the MC phono stage). Sold the 3B within a week of its very delayed arrival.
The L-3 is the best sounding preamp AI has come up with yet and I have owned them all. I have always been an AI fan for what they do and the price they sell it for. It is not exactly the same linesatge as the M3b but has been refined somewhat. The power supply has been modified. I have owned mine for about 6 months and can say without reservation, it is one of the best sounding line stages I have heard. I replaced an Aesthetix Calypso because L-3 was more open, quieter and through up a bigger soundstage. It was flat out more transparent and quicker. For a tube preamp, it is unbelievably quiet.
A phono board is optional.
Curious if anyone has heard AI's new S150 amplifier designed by John Curl and how it sounds with the M3B or L3. The solid state beast weighs 125 lbs. and is class A up to 50 watts rms.