Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?
Avnut....if your dealer will not offer you a discount on something that they don't have in stock and won't let you take home for demo...then get rid of your dealer. They are depriving you of two of the three things that they are able to give you (the third being advice). I have a dealer like that as well....I will not purchase from him.....he has nothing to offer me.
Avnut- I would second (or is it third?)Jef and Mfgrep. If we use the dealers as an audition source and then buy from net its totally unfair to them. On the other hand, I also agree with everyone who says avoid that dealer like the plague. He is not providing you with any value, which is the reason for buying from a bricks and mortars outfit. Best of luck. Hope you get the amps want and the service you deserve.
Avnut: You said that you agree 75%, but I would say that I agree with your last post 100%. I hope you get the good service you deserve. Cornfedboy: Are you buying your Audio equipment in the former Soviet Union? …If not, why are you paying 40-70% margin? Do you know the difference between markup and margin? If your numbers were correct dealers would be marking up goods 67% to roughly 234% - that’s a huge range. How many dealers would you say charge 2&1/3 times their costs? I’d suggest that 67% would be the high end of the spectrum (except for cables, IC’s and PC’s). You must be thinking of markup or manufacture margin. I would suggest that the only products with high margins are cables & tweaks. With regard to your question: Have I ever bought Hi end gear? Does your sarcasm imply that one must spend “X” dollars or have owned brand “X” to have a perspective? Maybe you’d feel better if I listed all of my equipment & how much I paid for each piece? You could evaluate my purchases and inform me if I’d spent enough or own equipment prestigious enough for you to respect my opinion. To give you a baseline I wasn’t talking about 100k+ systems. …More like the equivalent of Stereophile A and or B rated gear. ...I think we all are aware that as price rises margin falls, even on 20-30K systems. I’m not against discounts. If you are like me, and buy new toys to upgrade your system every month chances are you get a significant discount already. I merely take issue with folks who seem to believe they should get a discount for no other reason than that they have a pulse. I’ve got nothing against buying and selling used items online, however I see a lot of what I believe to be gray-market sleazing going on, and THAT does bother me. Dealers and manufacturers that whore their goods devalue all of our “investments”. The only thing that should cause rapid depreciation is significant technological advances or wear. But despite the lack of technological breakthrough and very low wear to gear we still see average 40-50% deprecation.
Sorry Cornfedboy, I respectfully disagree with you. If you read my prior thread in this post, I used to work for a dealer during college. Granted, it may have been a while ago but I don't think things have changed too much. When I worked in the HiFi shop, most margins were 20% maximum. You are absolutely right about the accessories though, 60% or so margin on those. Think of it, a dealer makes $7000 on a $10,000 amp? If that were true, we are both in the wrong business. The dealer I used to work for, gave accessory credits for cables etc. usually about 10% of the purchase price to make up for not getting a discount. The customers seemed to like it because they would not have to shell out another $1000 for those high end speaker cables after purchasing that $10,000 amp.
I think the mark up is quite a bit especially on accesories and speakers. What you have to take into consideration is the cost of a business. Small high end dealers have a small customer base and dont move a lot of equipment like circuit city. They have to cover there overhead. Employees, rent, elctricity, and dont forget putting up all that money to have equipment for you to listen to when you come in.