Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??

I was wondering whether to dive into the world of Vinyl or wait for the new format to settle. You see, I have not listened to vinyl for more than 20 years now. I have all rated A equipment and cables and good collection of Audiophile and not so Audiophile CD. Recently I have been thinking of taking a dive into the world of Vinyl. However, knowing myself, I will not be satisfied unless I get some highend stuff which will cost me some serious amount of money. Not to mention that I have to start my collection of software. So my question here for you guys who want to help. Shall I make the move or just wait for the SACD/DVDA ? your input would be much appreciated.
In simple science, you hear in analog. The instruments emit a wavelength that is analog, people speaking and singing are first detected in an analog waveform. The concept that the LARGER the storage medium, the more information is stored, the more spacious and deeper the soundstage is true. and lastly, getting off the couch every 20 minutes is good aerobics.
I dumped SACD more than two years ago, probably three. I went back to CD and vinyl. I went through a complete tear down a year ago and now am back in SACD(EMM Labs) and Vinyl (SME30). I don't think it will get much better than this for a while. I hope to be alive when the time comes.

This doesn't really move the conversation on much, just to say that I have a CD front end that retails for around $5000 and a Universal disc player that sold for $1200. This weekend a picked up a scratchy dirt-bag of a TT, an original Rega Planar 3 with the most basic of everything. (I'm not saying the P3 isn't a good TT, just that this particular one is in dire need of upgrading).
Anyway, the point is that this $400 (used) TT comes mighty close in sonics to my CD setup and even closer to my SACD player. As a previous LP12 owner, I know that good vinyl can blow away the best CD players. If a $400 TT can come close to a $5,000 CD player.....well, I think the point is made.
The only downside to vinyl in my opinion, is maintenance, storage and the whole convenience thing. When playing vinyl, if I want to switch a track I have to get up and walk 20 feet across the room, and whilst I could do with the exercise, it is a pain in the rear.
I guess it comes down to what is most important to the individual and what you are prepared to put up with in pursuit of your goals.

Unfortunately, I think vinyl isore of a personality issue than a format, as stated above. My feeling is, if you get good tube gear for digital repoduction, and wait out the bugs in format issues, you will be very satisfied with the tonal accuracy and lifelike quality.
Go for the vinyl ASAP....I don't see anything good coming out from the future.