What are some good tube amps that rock? KT88's?

Hi there, I am currently using an all older CJ SS setup. I fell I need a tube amp to get rid of the grit in my system. I thought upgrading my DAC would do it but it remains.

Its really important to me to be able to play loud, I have been told I would do best with a KT88/6550 based amp. I owned a CJ Premier 11A and loved (Sold it due to budget back in the day). I listen to everything but I play rap,reggae, and rock mostly when I play loud. Im going to be crossing over my speakers at around 60-80HZ

My speakers are B&W Matrix 804's which want a decent amount of current despite their small appearance.

Tanks a million
KT-88s and 6550s are supposed to be a little different. The 'KT' part stands for 'kinkless tetrode' as there was supposed to be no 'kink' in the linearity curve. These days though, KT-88s and 6550s are pretty much the same thing.

The B&W is a Voltage Paradigm device, see:

for more info.

What this means is that the amplifier you use will need some feedback in order to work. The Wolcott is going to be the epitome of this- it behaves as a true voltage source using Voltage Paradigm rules.
gold lion's w Cary CAD 120's and a Cary SLP98 pre. Excellent tube sound and loud. Set the bias at 150.
Any Manley amplifier will rock the house. Their in house built and purposed power and output transformers are best in class.