How Often Do You Listen To Live Music??

I suspect there has been a thread about this in the past. But I wonder how many Audiogon listeners actually go out to listen to live music each month. Speaking for myself, I attend at least one Symphony concert each month; as well as going to a non-classical concert or club every three or four weeks.
And while I love listening to my system at home; I find that live music is just much more dynamic - especially in a good room or hall with decent acoustics.
Love live shows...
mostly hard bands.. Tool, Godsmack, other alternative and
hard rock type music...mostly large arena type shows...
5 to 6 times per year..
Being outside of Phila. we go to a few Jazz cafes and listen to local live talent once a month or so!
That is very enjoyable... no ear ringing for 2 days.
Nice to be close to the music and listen to acoustic...
then go home and see how your sound stage and music position is compared to live music.
Happy listening,
Custom Audio LLC
Live unamplified music? Not much...symphony here or there or a jazz band. Rock about once a quarter...

Best the last year or so? Paul McCartney...3rd row seats. wow what a show.

Lenny Kravitz was fun...5th row. 8th row to see Elton John and Billy Joel in 2 months.

Just saw a great christmas concert, symphony. wish my stereo sounded like that!
Live classical (symphony, opera, chamber, recital, ballet) about 70 per year clustered as to the typical seasons.
We've been going about once a month this year. As I get older (in my 40's now), I have less and less tolerance for poorly amplified/mixed/produced performances. I'd simply rather stay home and listen on my system! It sounds a whole lot better most of the time in those cases. Also my hearing doesn't suffer as a result. The last thing we saw like that was Beck playing Beneroya Hall. Now Beneroya is an acoustic wonder, as well as being quite beautiful to look at. And I do like Beck..not only is he an innovative and gifted musician, but he is also a charismatic performer. But this concert was probably the third in a string of pop-music concerts where I turned to my wife and said, "..NEVER again..!!" I hope I've learned. I just don't enjoy the music when I can't make out the lyrics, or distinguish instruments in space. The concerts I'm referring to come off as purely noise to me...and by no means enjoyable noise! We are talking well in excess of eardrum damage levels. And I do like some pretty "loud" music on occasion...someone mentioned Tool, and I do like Filter as well. I must be getting really old as there were a vast majority of younger folks at all these concerts just getting down, I really don't know what they were getting down to, but a good deal of the eardrum piercing noise is being made by the audience themselves in the form of screaming (we had a screamer behind us at Beck). I just don't get it?! The concerts I've enjoyed the most this year have been mostly acoustic performances. My two favorites have been Gillian Welch, and Patty Griffin, oh, and a great outdoor performance by Cowboy Junkies.
Its a great time for Dallas' local music. We went to the clubs quite a bit this past year, and you can see us there this Friday :) I would love to go to Bass Hall for some symphony, but just haven't found the right time.