Eric Clapton at Crossroads Guitar Festival DVD

I just purchased this music DVD, and it is without a doubt the very best DVD concert I have! Sheer blues guitar bliss! I hope this becomes an annual event with more and more great talent to come.

I watched a good portion of that disc and I like the JJ Cale, Joe Walsh, and especially the Steve Vai parts (where Vai and 3 others stood in a line and played each others frets, fun stuff!

I am glad JJ Cale played 'After Midnight' so some of the audience could see that he wrote it (and Cocaine) even though Clapton made it popular.

I know Jeff Beck was at the concert, do you know why he was not featured on the disc? He is one of the reasons my brother bought it and I missed him too.
The concert was running long and a storm was approaching, so Jeff Beck only did one song, but it was one of best performances of the day! I don't know why it wasn't included on the DVD.
I saw this on public television and was blown away, especially liked the Robert Randolph set and the set with EC and Santana doing Jingo.

Let's all hope this become a regular thing
I cant wait to watch this dvd i bought it as a christmas present for my dad. Only a few more days till we can enjoy it. I wish i could have gone to that concert it was near me oh well...