portishead, goldfrapp, looking for more ......

I am looking for female vocals that are warm smooth and sexy coupled with electronic music like portishead and goldfrapp. Does anyone have any recommendations? thanks for the help
If you don't mind french(always sexy!) than go for Guesch Patti -- Blonde album and have your mind blown.
UMMMMMMM.....Marakantz, just my mind?????? I may have been interested if it was not so limiting!!! LOL
I listen to everything listed above, but my chill out faves are St. Etienne (their entire playlist), Morcheeba, and Ivy. I find that Paul Van Dyk has many songs that stir me with female vocalists, especially on the CD, "Out there and back".

I especially appreciate this music when I am in logic 7 etc on the Lexicon.
You may want to try some of the more recent releases by Pram and Laika. Nice stuff...not quite trip-hop, but veering into the realm with a more abstract edge at times.One that came to mind as I type this (and it's not really a recommendation), is a fairly obscure band called Mauve Sideshow. Very obtuse & strange, very dark and highly abstract. I might have to dig that stuff out again for some late-night chills...