Better for Separates Newbie: Rotel or Adcom?


Trying to decide between Rotel-based or Adcom-based separates. These are what I can afford in the "up to $1250" category.

Just looking for two channel amplification and preamp. Have decided against entry level integrated tubes (Synthesis). As yet, no decision on speakers.

Thanks so much,
Ivyinvestor, Rotel has a good track record over many years for making solidly constructed gear that is well engineered, with substantial power supplies and of good above average sound quality. There are other products that on a case-by-case may sound better for this unit or that, but in the price range you're describing for new only, Rotel is a very safe bet and materially better than the mass market electronic gear.
Thanks, Rushton: I really appreciate your comments, especially with respect to my current funding allocations.
I would also recommend Rotel. I have owned a Rotel CD player (RCD 970 BX), and an integrated amp (RA 970). Both were very well designed and built, and sounded exceptional (CD player in particular). I would argue that this is right around where the point of diminishing returns begins in hi-fi.
If you really have to go with seperates I would suggest the rotel. The one Adcom preamp that was rated very good by Stereophile went for $750.00,( forgot the model # ) not leaving much room for an amp. the answer lies in an intergraded amp. Depending on your speakers, China are puting out some wonderful intergraded tube amps. Thats where I would go. !!!
Chris (The Kid) is dead on. Great integrateds that will embarress either Adcom or Rotel separates. Plus no IC costs between preamp and power amp.