Ground 'box' what's in them?

Anyone have any idea what's going on inside these ground 'boxes' some companies are coming out with?

Examples are the Entreq, Synergistic Research et al.
Peter -- which of these ground boxes have you actually tried?

Please explain to us exactly how you've come to the conclusion(s) you have.

Had a demonstration of the Synergistic Research one in my system a few years back.

However, just try to think logically about it, all your equipment is already connected to ground via its power cord if designed properly. So all you do by adding a second ground connection is adding a ground loop - which are no good. In case you have double insulated equipment, indicated by a pair of squares, one inside the other usually by the ac inlet, and equipment usually supplied with a 2 pronged power cored, you are connecting "nothing" to ground.

I you really want to know about proper grounding I'd encourage you to read this paper.

Bill Withlock Ground Papers

Good Listening

07-01-15: Ozzy
I wish some daring (rich) individual would take one apart...

Very rare. A few years back a friend of mine bought some very expensive P*D cables, forgot the name but it was something about 3-4k per meter, after a while he wanted better connectors and opened the cable. Guess what he found? Belden computer cables, thin, cheap, surrounded by big foam. He was really mad about that... the question is: Do you really want to know what you have bought?