Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier

Dartzeel is a relatively new entry to the high-end game. Despite being reviewed by John Marks in a recent issue of Stereophile, the company's only current product offering, the NHB-108 stereo amplifier, hasn't gotten a lot of press on these shores. Hopefully this "review" will do its part in rectifying that.
As many of you probably already know, Switzerland-based Dartzeel is the brainchild of one Herve Deletraz. Herve is a wonderful guy who's dedicated to the very best customer service. As essentially a one-man operation, I'm sure his time is limited, but he's always responded to my e-mails in an extremely courteous, timely manner.

On to the amp. I'm not one for technical details, so I'll leave them to those of you who want to visit Dartzeel's website. Basically, the 108 is a "purist" stereo amp rated at a relatively modest 100 wpc. Its smallish dimensions belie its weight, which measures around 65-70 pounds.

Internally, the amp is incredibly well laid out (if tightly packed), with an attention to detail that one should expect--but doesn't always receive--from components in this price range.

Outside, it's purely love-hate. (Refer to the website for pictures). Either you get it or you don't. Personally, I've grown used to its appearance over time, but it's taken a while to become acclimated. If WAF factor is any sort of issue, practice up on your compliments. Then again, I may be overstating the case. While it's not Liv Tyler, it's not Janet Reno, either. Time reveals its inner beauty.

Performance-wise it's a much more straightforward issue. In my experience the 108 is the most balanced, natural-sounding amp I've ever heard. It has a way with timbre that's downright spooky--up there with the very best tube units one cares to mention. The sound is just "right"--every note is reproduced with a tonal correctness and warmth that is as close to the real thing as I've heard in an amp. Because of it's sheer naturalness, it can take a while to overcome the initial impression that it is somehow soft or rolled off. That is most emphatically not the case! Dynamics are crisp and fast, and the frequency extremes are right where they need to be--not overstated or highlighted at all, just perfectly natural and realistic.

The only potential weakness of the 108 is its power rating. It flows a nice amount of juice for 100 watts, but one could theoretically run into problems with particuarly current-hungry or inefficient speakers. Part of the amp's midrange purity, I believe, is attributable to the use of the bare minimum of bipolars in the output stage. That, of course, comes at the price of power, but in this case the tradeoff is more than worth it. Just take some care in speaker matching--as you should, anyway--and you'll be rewarded with a sound that balances the very best of solid state with a midrange that will make some question whether they even need to fuss with tubes.

Despite its novel physical appearance, the need for careful speaker matching, and the fact that the US dollar has been taking a Tyson-like beating lately, the Dartzeel is a serious contender in the super-amp category. Yes, there are amps out there that do this or that "better" than the 108, but I've yet to hear one that strikes a better balance between the various areas of performance. It's a stunning piece of engineering and a landmark amplifier.


Product Weakness: Appearance is strictly take-it-or-leave-it. Power rating requires some attention to speaker load. Cost.
Product Strengths: Naturalness, midrange magic of the highest order, speed, dynamics

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Dartzeel NHB-108
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): EMM Labs DCC2
Sources (CDP/Turntable): EMM Labs CDSD
Speakers: Von Schweikert VR-4 Jr.
Cables/Interconnects: Jena Labs Pathfinder
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Rock, blues, country, some classical
Room Size (LxWxH): 24 x 20 x 7
Room Comments/Treatments: Echo Buster, ASC
Time Period/Length of Audition: 3 months
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): Shunyata Hydra-8
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner
JTinn, I think Sean brings up a good point that there should be some sort of identifier for Audiogon members who are dealers. Of course we all have our own musical and listening biases, but when a member also has a business bias, it throws a wrench in many threads here. Knowing this from the start allows the reader to put this into perspective when such a member priases something they also sell.

The first word in this thread is "Review" and still, out of all the text here, only one paragraph describes the sound of this highly praised amplifier. I guess I'll have to send Hooper a Dove Bar to get him to share more of his emotions on this amplifier. 8-)


Just let me know what you want to know, and I'll try to answer as best I can. Oh, and the price has just risen to TWO Dove Bars. And maybe some Coldstone Creamery ice cream . . . . Greedy bastard, ain't I? :)
Don't you think its a little ironic that you , who restricts 90% of your comments to positive remarks upon products in which you have a personal financial interest,accuse Sean, who has only demonstrated an allegiance to good sound, of being a troll? Honestly, you shoulb be more cognizant of your position. By the way I read a number of your posts before I realized you were a dealer, but I picked up on Cinematic Systems status right away
John (Jafox): What Audiogon does here is beyond any of our control. We can make our suggestions, but ultimately the decision is their's. This has been talked about for years and I have no issue with disclosure. I agree that it could be misleading for someone in the industry coming here under an alias and push products they produce or sell. I have been here for 6 years. I am certainly one of the early users of this site and I started as a user and have since become a distributor and dealer. Most people know who I am and it would take very little effort to discover that I am a dealer and distributor. Also, think about how many dealers or distibutors have multiple accounts here. I know of one who has uses this slimy tactic quite a bit.

I have been an audiophile for 45 years. I was born into this and it has always been my passion. I would also say that no one is perfect. When it is proper for me to disclose my affiliation, I always attempt to do so. Sometimes I might forget. In this thread, there was no need for me to disclose that info. I was thanking Hooper for taking the time to post a review which I do with anyone when they take the time to state their experience. I do this regardless of whether I am a dealer or distributor for the product. If I read a review I thank the person.

I would also like to add that Hooper is not a professional reviewer. He gave a brief history of what he knew about the manufactirer, which I think was informative, as well as a description of the physical nature of the amplifier. He also spoke to what he felt might be potential drawbacks with the amplifier. If you want more, ask him. :)

Rgcards: My history with Sean is quite well publicized here. Sean has a history of tageting me and got spanked for it in the past. It is unproductive and abusive. He talks about a "conspiricy theory" and the only "conspiricy" is Sean conspiring against me. He needs to get a life... really Sean, "Get a Life!"

Sean asserts that the amplifier has a sound that he can tell us about based on "design parameters" and "quality of parts used" without his ever hearing. This is absurd. To allege that he has that ability is a complete lie. He knows nothing about what "quality parts" are in the amplifier and to mislead users that he has this talent that no one else in the world has is a joke.

Sean also suggests that Hooper was hiding something and questions his credibility just to take a dig at me. This is childish and insulting. To suggest that I setup this review is ridiculous and that someone like Hooper would participate in such a sham is irresponsible.

You say you recognized C_s's status right away, but having possibly more experience here than you do, the moniker does not always mean anything. For example one might think that Fbhifi or Simplicitymusic are affiliated because of their names, but they are not. I do not know that he has ever disclosed his status here and he never has anything positive to say about anything.

Also, I do not restrict my posts to my equipment 90% of the time. I just browsed through my responses to threads and you are exagerating a great deal. Please take a look.

Do not get me wrong, I appreciate your input and always like to be reminded if I am out of line, I just do not see it here.
Oh no, the man wants two Dove bars. And you should have asked about the ice cream sooner as I was just at the Ben & Jerry's factory last week. All I can do now is promise you the goods if and when you ever make a visit to Minneapolis.

What I really was after was what your feelings were when you ultimately made the decision to pass on the Tenors for the big D. Recently I went way way beyond my financial means with a pair of CAT JL-3 signature amps. After hearing the JL-2 vs a pair of Atmasphere MA1 amps, both products were so very impressive. And yet, neither was what I would call the "best". They both did music incredibly well. It was just that they each had some strengths the other did not. What I wanted was an amp that did what both of them did. There was a tradeoff between an awesome warmth (MA1s) and a more neutral presentation (JL-2). And then there was that smoothness (MA1) vs. the resolution, dynamic contrasts and attack of the JL-2. Man oh man, I wanted it all. And the MA1s were brand new with new tubes. I can only imagine what more they would have done in a few more weeks. And with me being a warmth/bloom fanatic for years and years, the CAT's dynamics was something I could not get out of my mind. But neither amp was the absolute winner. It simply came down to which set of strengths won me over the most. But I could be so very happy with either for a long long time provided I did not run into compatibility issues with a future speaker change.

So it was a comparison along these lines that I was hoping to get from you. You had an opportunity like very few of us ever get to compare two such highly praised amplifiers.

And JTinn, I was not directing any anxieties your way. I simply thought the dealer identification idea was a good one. I have talked to you a few times over the phone and each time you have been very polite and professional.
