Insides of Lazarus H-1A amp...

For anyone who is interested..

I've scanned a bunch of Lazarus literature at Kinkos today.
Let me know what you need ..

H-1A Brochure/Pamphlet (2 pages)
The H-1A User's Manual (7 pages)
Lazarus Pricing/Upgrading info (3 pages)
The Amplifier Story (2 pages)

I have a few more articles somewhere. I'll look for them.
If you have questions, e-mail me at


resurrecting an old thread!!!

Amazingly enough, my cousing who lives in California work with Greg Miller from Lazarus and ia rebuilding me a pair of monoblocks!

jsujo, adonti, etc

since you  are the most recent to comment to this thread....... I own 2 H-1a's and hope to get hold of any documentation, schematics, etc. in order to operate and upgrade these amps.  Any contact or info sincerely appreciated!