Insides of Lazarus H-1A amp...

For anyone who is interested..

Showing 5 responses by jsujo

I wonder if a good tech can take the H-1 to H-1A level? risky without schematics?

ALSO: has anyone tried the H-1, H-1A in mono?? most people I talk to seem to prefer stereo.
hey...I did see this pic,,,,i noticed the differences, but didnt know enough to make heads or tails....

Which Lazarus has Class A with 4 tubes?
man, If i didnt just buy a VPI Scout TT with the Dynavector 20X cart, I would get your amp...

I will be interested in it, a little bit down the road,,,

Any chance I can send u some $$ for copies of the lit?

resurrecting an old thread!!!

Amazingly enough, my cousing who lives in California work with Greg Miller from Lazarus and ia rebuilding me a pair of monoblocks!
