Rogue 88 problems

I bought an used Rogue 88(not magnum). I met couple of problems, hope somebody could help me out.
1. The fan gives rather big noise. My listening room is small (13X12), and it's really annoying. The seller told me the amp is about a year old. Is it about time to change the fan?
2. I hear sparks from the speaker in the first 20 mins when I turn 88 on. What could be the cause of this?
3. This one is not really a problem. When I switch from UL to triode, the volume of sound dosen't change. I am expecting the sound to go down, because the output is half of UL.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the feedback folks. I am looking for more "presence" in the low mids, more bass slam and for a bit more separation. In your opinions will the 120s do this compared to the 88 ? I have Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods with the 99 pre amp, CAL 10 CD player, DH labs Q-10 cables. Thanks
Without question the 120's will provide those qualities and more over the 88. I had the Magnum 88, and now the Magnum M120's. Just leaps and bounds above the 88. I also use the Magnum 99 preamp. I wasn't thrilled with the 99 matched up with the 88. I knew I spent a lot of money. I new I was running tubes. I knew I was running in triode. I just wasn't wowed. I was also going to sell my 99. After I hooked up the M120's, the 99 sings. I love the combination. I traded my 88 and $900 for the demo pair of 120's. No looking back or any regrets.
Sounds great. Thanks for the feedback. I have seen other posts on this site that rave about the M120s.
Hello? does anyone still have a Rogue 88? I’ve just got one which was ‘tuned’ and I need help from someone to get the original values of the capacitors because mine were changes to different values :(
Thank you!