anyone heard of Luxman amp.pls help

have just come into a LUXMAN amp.(model L-2)never heard of the brand.looks really old. any info will be of great help.
Luxman made some really nice amps back in the 70 and early 80's. Tube and transistor. I think they were underrated at the time. I don't remember the models. They sounded better than the Yamahas. I don't know how they compared to Accuphase. They were definitely a cut above.
I have a Luxman L5 integrated that I bought new in 1979. Used it for a few years and then put it in a closet. When my Rotel blew a channel, I used the Luxman again til I got a new PS Audio. I was pleasantly surprised (The Lux sounded better than my Rotel, which I don't miss at all!) The L5 can be used as an integrated, a pre or an amp. While it is only rated at 60 watts, it sounded much better than its age would dictate.
L-2 is a 2X33 watt integrated amp, made around 1980. I had a Luxman receiver years ago, it was a nice sounding unit.
