Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?

I'm sort of toying with the idea of upgrading my amp (threshold S300 - I know, its old) and the one amp that jumps out is the pass X250 which seems like it can be had for about $3000 to $3500 on the used market. Is there anything else that comes to mind? I can't afford the Tenor hybrids and even the Lamm SS's are about $7 to $9K. The rest of my system is as follows:

Fanfare FT-1
Parasound Ultra 2000 CD
Nakamichi DR1 deck
Stax Lamda phones
Sota Star table w / emt
Pass Aleph ono phono
Hales T8 loudspeakers

Would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Spectron. You have to give one a try at least.

One reveiwer thinks that they are way more dynamic and better balanced than the big Pass (not my opinion, never heard them in the same room).

I have heard the Spectrpn vs the Levinson...and the winner was the Spectron. YMMV

Is there more than one Coda company?
I have never heard a Coda amplifier
that came close to the top of the line
Threshold series amps which are
extremely clean and detailed with a midrange
to die for.I listened to Coda models, to my
ears they are mediocre amps at best.But
all of us hear differently and all the
different gear we use in the mix can
effect the sound also, so whats better
in so and so's system might sound
quite bad in the next guy/gals
system.Use your own ears and no one
elses to choose your system.

I've vacillated back and forth between many options but after much deliberation, it appears that I've narrowed it down to two (Can't wait until the Spectron Musician 3 is available, I guess) : At the top of is the Plinius SA250IV, the bottom is represented by Moon W-5. Oh, and to complicate matters, if I can find a real good price on a Pass X250, I probably would consider that too.

Can anyone chime in and tell me what they think of the Plinius versus the Moon? The Plinius can be had for around $4500 with the Moon in the range of $2500 to $2700, quite a difference in cost. I like the idea of being able to use Class A on the fly (withthe plinius) , but does that present its own problems? Also, heaven forbid if I needed work on the unit and had to send it back for repairs. Lugging around 155# net and 185# crated is not my idea of fun...but the sound is what I'm after.
Two different animals. Go for the plinius if you have the cash to spend. FWIW, to my ears, the W5 betters the X250. Keep in mind that is my opinion. I've spent time with all three amps (dozens of hours auditioning for my next amp).
if you can find a pair of Symphonic Line, RG4 Mono, 150 W, you will be very happy. they are so musical and powerful.