Tube Pre Amp + Tube Phono Section

Please give me some recommendations on a tube preamp (either including a phone section or a line-stage tube pre and a separate tube phone section)
Potential candidates so far:
-Audio Research SP6 or SP8 if I could ever find one in decent shape
-Audio Research LS series + separate tube phono stage (which LS is good?)
-CJ line stage (which one?) + separate tube phono stage
An SP 8 would really be an excellent choice, as would an SP 6, however, unless you are lucky, at their age you might need to get them serviced at ARC - but I wouldn't let that stop me! For something modern, with excellent sound, and minimal tube maintenance, check out the EAR 834L and the 834P (or their combined unit). Great value for the money on the used market.
Add in the Audible Illusions 3a and the Rogue 66 and 99 full function preamps with tubed phono stages. These are single ended only. (disclaimer: I sell Rogue).

A little more expensive is the BAT vk-30SE. I have not yet heard their (solid state) phono stage, but as a line stage it is first rate. Much better when run balanced.

For external tube phono stages under 1K, I think the ARC PH-3 is very hard to beat. The more expensive Herron vtph-1 is the best real-world priced tubed phono stage I have heard.

For a line stage I like the balanced only BAT vk-5i. I ran the 5i/ph-3 combo for a long time. ARC's newer LS-16 with the supertube is also very good sounding. If you can live with a passive, try a placette with the ph-3 or even an adcom 750. The passive placette plays in the no-holds barred league and works especially well with a strong tube front end like the ph-3.

As mentioned above, you may want to inquire on the price of updating / refurbishing an older piece. Not all manufacturers see this as a high profit center but it can hit four figures pretty fast.

Tube preamps have really come a long way in the last 3-4 years. I occasionally have an older classic around and find it's a little grainy or opaque compared to modern components. Probably the newer parts.