BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..

Hello all, received a BAT VK-75SE which by the way is a lovely Tube amp for those that are not aware.

Unfortunatly I have plugged it in and have had a constant buzz since day one.. the buzzing remains even when Interconnects are removed and ground is lifted

I have :

1. Plugged the amp in a different part of the house- No Change

2. Changed Speakers and speaker cable - No Change
3. Changed PowerCord and Lifted ground - No Change

The amp itself is dead quiet, no transformer hum or anything.. could tubes do this ? ..

thanks all in advance !

you didn't buy the wrong amp...that's one of the best. somethings up...bad tube, bad component...ground loop...
I'm sure you have checked the fuses. Every time
I had a fuse go I would hear an increase level
of hum.
would this thing be working if it had a blown fuse... where should I be looking.. I do recall having extra fuses in the box..


AA Capitole plain isn't compatible with some amplifiers when using balanced Interconnects because of a "pin 1 problem"which can cause a line level signal ground loop. See my thread regarding impedance mismatch for more information. Could be your problem
Hey Mejames, I have heard that, but there is no issue with that as far as I can see.. the buzzing still happens when the components are unplugged
