spend more money on pre or power amp ?

if I had $10,000 to spend on a power and pre amp. Would I split it equally in two ? Or would I give 5000 to power and 10,000 to pre or vice versa ?
My system is a Wadia 21 cd player, VMPS RM 40's and a classe CAV 150. I find the system sounding quite harsh. Any help with this.
Get the best pre you can get, tube would be nice with your ribbons or a top of the line passive. I would do this first. I have read that the new Ampzilla amp is one of the best with the RM-40's. As you may already know, the RM-40's are not plug and play and need to be fine tuned by hand after you get set up with new amp so you will have to start over when you change amps. I am a vmps owner for 6 years now (super tower/r's) and may go with the RM-40's soon myself.
If you have a good system and you are still feeling harsh there is a very good chance that your room is the problem. Clap your hands and if it sounds harsh or reverbs try deadening the room out before you run and spend tons of money to upgrade your system.
In my experience, matching the amp to the speakers is critical. I would think that in the $10K range, personal preference will determine how much you spend on each. I'd spend as much as it takes to get an amp that works with your speakers, then get a neutral preamp that doesn't ruin what you have.
My experience is that the preamp is much more important than the amp. I did a comparison between three McIntosh preamps - the C42, C2200, and the C200, and the preamp-part of my McIntosh integrated MA 6500, on the one side, and the power amp section of the MA 6500, and a McIntosh MC352 power amp on the other side. The sound changed only a little, when I substituted the MA6500 power amp section for the MC352. But it changed dramatically when I ran the power amps with the better preamps. So I would definitely go with the preamp first. Having said that, I agree with tbrros: With your kind of already a very good system, I think your room might be the problem. I have listedned to the Wadia and to your Classé - both units already belong to the smoothest sounding on the market. So better check your room acoustics before you burn your money on new equipment, ending up with the old problems