What are best phono preamps under $500 ?

I am looking for a phono stage MM preamp <$500 that does not give any hum, hiss, noise , etc .... and has "decent" sound to use with my Legend LM-9 mono tube amps. Can anyone recommend one (SS or tube) that meet the above's ? What do you think about the YS-Audio Tube Phono preamp that 's been sold on Ebay and Audiogon? A brand new only costs less than $500 !
I currently use a CJ PV10A preamp with phono. I have considered upgrading the pre and keeping the CJ as the phono preamp. They are often availble for $600 on this site. Does any one use a PV10 as a phono preamp only?

Monolithic Sound PS-1 is a pretty nice choice. You'd probably want the outboard HC-1 power supply with that though. Still should be able to pick it up in your price range.
If the Klyne is still available, it will SMOKE anything else out there anywhere near its' price range ( sonically ). That is, so long as it has enough gain for your specific situation. If i didn't already have seven different preamps with excellent phono stages, i would buy it in a heartbeat.

After spending a little bit of time with a Lehmann ( non SE version ), i came away not really liking it. The "funny" ( not to owners of the Lehmann ) thing is that Music Direct used to sell these. In their brand new catalogue, they state that they no longer sell or recommend these units, poke fun at them and say that you should call them up to buy a "real" phono stage !!! Sheesh, talk about spitting in your customers face AFTER selling them the product that your making fun of !!! Sean
Wow, Sean, that's really amazing! I can't believe it, either! The Lehmann is considered by many to be the "reference" solid state phono stage in its price range. I don't have one, nor have I ever listened to one, so I can't comment. The SE is supposed to be even better, and the Silver Cube better yet. The latter is really pricey, up there I think with the Plinius M14.

Back to the original post: there are so many reasonably good phono stages in this price range, particularly if you are willing to buy a used one (almost always the best option, IMO). In addition to those listed above, there is the Blue Circle BC-23, EAR 834P, Plinius Jarrah.... and the list goes on.