which amp is the best for 2 channel and HT?

I am in the market to looking for the best amp for under $3000US. I am listen 70% for music and 30% for HT, and I am using EAD Theater Master Signature for Preamp Procesor. This is 3 amps that I really want it:
1. Mark Levinson 333
2. Pass Lab X 250
3. Theta Dreadnaught II
but if you known some of different amp that better then this please let me known. Thanks a lot and I am looking for your input...
Thanks a lot for your input. Do anyone heard about EAD PowerMaster 2000. Should I get that or spend more money one 2 front channel and inexpensive for 3 channel. thanks

The EAD PM 2000 is an outstanding 5 channel amp that actually bridges when in a 2-channel mode. I however like others have noted would opt for the best 2-channel amp I could afford and settle on a decent 3-channel for my center and surrounds.

The only advice to offer is that I would think any multichannel amp is aimed at HT sound reproduction and not so focused on 2CH/music reproduction. I have no clue if there is any fact in that assumption, but that is what I would assume and to get really good 2CH sound, a 2CH amp is in order. AND a 2CH amp that gives you the TYPE of sound you like - analytical and detailed or warm or whatever.