Worth it to buy cheap, but no audition integrated

Hi all, I have a pathetic system but I have begun upgrading. I just bought a pair of Axiom M22Ti's that are awesome, and next on the list is an integrated amp. I'm looking in the 550$ range and want your opinion. Is it worth it to buy used but higher quality material, then to actually go audition new products?
The reason I ask is that there are many amps that I have found to like online, but only from reviews, etc... Specifically there are some great deals on the roksan Kandy integrated that I'm seriously considering. Anyone heard this integrated run?

I also need a CD player, but am not sure how much to spend in that area, would 300-400 be enough?
Hey all, thanks for the comments. Since I am new to high end I don't really know yet what my "tastes" are in terms of the many sonic nuances that go along with different pieces of equipment. I listen to all types of music and really am just looking for a high quality system that will make my JVC-FS5000 mini-system, which I use as a tuner, amp, pre-amp, and a CD-player!!!!

Pretty crazy, right? I'm sure I would be content with about any high end system for the time being. But I probably can't go wrong with a used integrad and CD.

So in my 500$ used price range what are the specific models you would recommend for a 93 db, but somewhat bright and forward sounding set of Axiom M22Ti's. The Kandy's got some good reviews from HI-fi and Soundstage, and so I was thinking about going for the integrated, if not for the sheer power ouput, but I'm a little hesitiant on the CD player. I heard I could do better for 3-450 used. Any specific models?

Man, this audio addiction is crazy, I have spend 5 hours a day in the past week just trying to increase my audio lexicon! I'm a poor college student a need for audio bliss.
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I would suggest tubes even if you didn't have bright sounding speakers. I don't know whether you are up to it, but you could try a kit like the DIYCable Ella (http://www.diycable.com/ella.htm).

There are also affordable tube integrated amps here and on e-bay.
I hope you're kidding about "nothing wrong with that mini-system", your right though, there is nothing wrong with it, but instead it does nothing right. I'm not getting into tubes right away, I simply don't want to go used with the risk of getting bad tubes, which I know wear down much more rapidly than ss designs.

Now the question, what CD player? Roksan Kandy, or rega planet, ore creek mk43 2
Audio refinement complete integrated and cdp would be a terrific combo in your range.