Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...

Rowland 112 amp and synergy II preamp? The rest of my system consists of: Audio Physic Virgo III speakers, Sonic Frontiers Phono 1, Music Hall MMF-7, Rega Jupiter 2000 cd player and Synergistic Research cables throughout.
Badwisdom, did you hear the YBA Integre or the YBA Integre Passion? There's a big difference between the 2 models... Also, what where the associated gear? I'm very curious since I find my Passion Integre smooth, far from being dry...

Best Regards
I would agree that your source components are not even in the same league as the rest of your system and would focus my energy there. You will not find anything better than the Rowland gear, only different.
Berning ZH270. Not exactly an "Integrated", but has two inputs and volume control (no phono). If you want to try tube sound, this is an excellent one for $4500 listed.
The YBA Integre is anything but dry. It is one of the most liquid solid state amps made. Your problem is elsewhere.
Well, i heard the integre with a meridian front end 588, red rose speakers and nordost interconnects (think it was blue heaven).

let me explain what i mean by dry : the system was flat, aggressive and you just knew it was solid state. There was no bloom or warmth, not even the slightest color.

But this could be due to many factors (units might have been brand new, bad setup / room). I auditioned for 10 mins max as i wasnt there to look at that particular equipment. And im sorry but i cant remember if it was the passion or not. It was about 8 months ago so it probably wasnt the passion.
