preamp w/ cinema bypass / SSP loop for about 1k

The age old question of integrating 2 channel into HT setup rears its ugly head once more. I've got around $1000 to spend, give or take, on a new preamp to match with an Odyssey Stratos stereo amp. Preamp must have remote control, at least for volume. I'm letting a denon avr-3300 run the home theater, which it does well, it just can't produce the 2 channel sound I'm looking for. There are SO MANY options for preamps. Not just tube, SS, or hybrid, but active, passive, and $$$! SO - for around a $1000, what's the best option with a remote? phono stage not needed in my setup. I've seen quicksilver preamps, sonic frontiers, van alstines, CJ's, McCormak's, Rogue....what's a man to do?
The Adcom looks like a good bet and they are coming out with an updated model soon.
I'll second the Sonic Frontiers Line 1. This will integrate easily into a home theater set-up and then serve as an outstanding 2 channel preamp. The line 1 gets alot of negative reviews from some, but only because it's so neutral. Some were looking for that tube warmth and with the stock tubes, it wasn't a warm preamp, it didn't add any colorations of its own. It my mind, it was overlooked because of this, but with different varities of NOS tubes, it's a totally different preamp. You actually get the best of both worlds with the Line 1. If you want warmth, changes tubes, if your ears lean toward neutral, leave the stock tubes in. The Line 1 has so many features, and with the used prices it's selling for, IMHO, it's a steal. Goof luck.
thanks for your suggestions -

i'll start looking to see what's available. will keep you posted.

still haven't purchased anything...had a baby girl! now looking to find the right pre, or a musical pre-pro, and move the denon to the bedroom. any new suggestions?
I just bought a Sonic Frontiers Line 3...VERY pleased, even considering an upgrade!